Apply for MO HealthNet

If you do not have healthcare coverage, Apply for MO HealthNet (Missouri Medicaid) to see if you are eligible. There are a few ways you can apply for healthcare coverage:

MO HealthNet Managed Care Health Plans

If you have your healthcare through MO HealthNet Managed Care, did you know your health plan offers benefits and rewards for pregnant women and new moms? Visit your health plan’s website to see what they offer.

Inform MO HealthNet of Your Pregnancy to get Extra Benefits!

Pregnant women with MO HealthNet coverage get extra benefits! Be sure to inform MO HealthNet of your pregnancy as soon as possible, so that you can start receiving your everything you’re entitled to. Here are three ways you can report your pregnancy:

Other Health Insurance Options

If you are not eligible for MO HealthNet you can visit to learn about other options you have to get healthcare coverage.